Downtown Discoveries: Time for Tea

This month I started my downtown adventure at one of my favorite places, Inner Grove Tea Co! Lacey kindly welcomed me with a cup of passion fruit infused green tea, and we started our journey into the elusive world of tea practices. Lacey’s story starts like many her age, she wanted to make a job out of her passion. During her visit with friends and family in both Tokyo and Hong-Kong, she fostered a love of different tea practices and their cultural significance. Once she returned home, knew she had to share her knowledge with downtown Wenatchee.  

Lacey offered to do a traditional tea ceremony with me, an opportunity I quickly accepted. She gathered her supplies and began explaining the significance of each piece. My attention was captivated by a clay dragon, “tea pet” adorning the tea tray, and lacey delicately showering it with spare tea. Upon inquiry, Lacey revealed that this ritual expresses gratitude for the tea pet’s companionship, but also because this ritual imparts a soul to the clay figurine.  

We enjoyed our tea and discussed our tea preferences, and the sale trends Lacey sees in our community. She explains that people usually like the White Coconut Cream tea, but she sells a variety to accommodate different taste and caffeine preferences. One tea she would like more people to try is the Pu-Erh, which she says tastes like, “the best garden dirt you’ve ever had”. Now that might not sound appealing to most, but it’s a truly unique taste that will leave you wanting more! 

As our tea ceremony ended, Lacey left me with some great advice, “Tea is great to gift to other people, but it makes the best gift for yourself”. 

So, the next time you want a self-care night, head down to Inner Grove Tea Co and Lacey will help you pick the perfect tea to treat yourself! 

Follow Lacey on Facebook and Instagram!


Downtown Discoveries: Turning the Page


Downtown Discoveries: Meet, Game, Refuel