Get involved.
Your tax-deductible donation to Wenatchee Downtown Association helps fulfill our vital mission to promote the economic, cultural, and social development of Wenatchee. We strive to create a downtown environment that is welcoming, sustainable, and prosperous for businesses and residents alike and your donation will help.
Become a partner
The Wenatchee Downtown Association has made significant investments in Downtown Wenatchee, but we can only do it with the support of our valued partners. Learn more about partnership benefits and how you can be involved in your historic downtown.
This partnership grants access to a comprehensive range of benefits provided by the WDA Downtown Partner program. By participating in this partnership tier, businesses can leverage their resources and support necessary for their success in promoting economic vitality, fostering attractive design, and contributing to the historic downtown's promotion.
Access to Storefront Revitalization Grant Program dollars (coming in January 2024)
Participation in WDA events like Wine Walk, Girls Night Out, Sidewalk Sale, etc.
Ribbon cutting for newly opened businesses in the downtown district.
Social media recognition. Social posts up to four times a year.
Opportunity to advertise your business or events in our monthly e-newsletter
Invitations to all WDA events.
Complimentary annual spring headshot opportunities for you and your staff, courtesy of our partners at Heirloom Creatives.
Businesses situated on Wenatchee Avenue, street level, 2nd to Kittitas, with a Wenatchee Ave address, are eligible to receive a comprehensive joint partnership package with the Wenatchee Downtown Association and the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce valued at $500.
This partnership combines the benefits of being a WDA Downtown Partner and an Affiliate Membership of the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce. By availing this opportunity, businesses can enjoy the advantages offered by both organizations. It's a valuable opportunity to maximize support and resources for your business's success.
Becoming a downtown investor means joining a special group of community members dedicated to the economic vitality, design, and promotion of our historic downtown. Your role as an investor plays a vital part in supporting local businesses and preserving our heritage. By contributing to the growth and success of our downtown, you help shape its future as a vibrant and captivating center. Join this unique collective and make a lasting impact on our beloved downtown community.
Complimentary Downtown Partner membership plus the following benefits:
Recognition in our monthly newsletters (circulation 1,450 and growing!)
Recognition, along with other Downtown Investors on 4 social media posts during the year (7,250 on Facebook and Instagram combined)
Recognition on the Wenatchee Downtown Association website.
Opportunities to join the WDA Design or Economic Vitality committee when spaces become available.
Up to 2 complimentary tickets to all Wenatchee Downtown Association events (must notify WDA staff of attendance)
*can be paid monthly
All Partnership tier benefits PLUS:
Sponsorship on all WDA title events including: Annual Appreciation Dinner, Wine Walk, Girls Night Out, Summer Sidewalk Sale, Trick-or-Treat Downtown and more!
1 complimentary table to the Annual Appreciation Dinner (seats 6-8)
4 complimentary tickets to events of your choice (must register for the event in advance)
Invitations to quarterly stakeholder social events with the WDA staff and board of directors
The Wenatchee Downtown Association is constantly seeking volunteers to join us! If you're interested, we encourage you to explore our committee options, apply for a future board position, or contact us directly to learn more about other opportunities.
Outreach involves building a Main Street framework that is well represented by business and property owners, bankers, citizens, historic preservationists, entrepreneurs, public officials, chambers of commerce, and other local economic development organizations. Everyone must work together to renew downtown. A strong organization provides the structure and stability to build and maintain a long-term effort.
Promotion creates excitement and vibrancy downtown. Street festivals, parades, retail events, and image development campaigns are some of the ways Main Street provides education on what’s downtown and encourages customer traffic. Promotion involves marketing an enticing image to shoppers, investors, and visitors.
Design enhances the look and feel of the commercial district. Historic building rehabilitation, street and alley clean-up, landscaping, street furniture, signage, visual merchandising and lighting all improve the physical image of the downtown as a quality place to shop, work, walk, invest in, and live. Design improvements result in a reinvestment of public and private dollars to downtown.
Economic Vitality involves analyzing current market forces to develop long-term solutions. Recruiting new businesses, creatively converting unused space for new uses, and sharpening the competitiveness of Main Street’s traditional merchants are examples of economic vitality activities.
If you would like to be considered for a position on the WDA Board of Directors, please apply via the link below.