Downtown Discoveries: Rediscovering the Owl

In the heart of our beloved downtown lies a true gem, a business that has stood the test of time and continues to enchant locals and visitors alike. Meet Owl Soda Fountain & Gifts, the cozy ice cream parlor and eatery, owned by the mother daughter duo De Ette and Kelsey. Stepping inside this nostalgic establishment is like taking a trip back in time, where classic charm and delectable treats await.

The story of the Owl began with Kelsey’s serendipitous encounter with Pam, the previous owner. Starting as an employee, Kelsey’s passion for the place grew, and she expressed her interest in taking over. Alongside her mother, De Ette, who has always adored the downtown’s old-world allure, they embarked on a remarkable journey together. Opening their doors just before the unexpected lockdown of 2020, Kelsey and De Ette faced a daunting challenge. However, what could have been a crushing blow turned into a source of inspiration. The community rallied around them, demonstrating unwavering support to keep the Owl alive.

The menu at Owl Soda Fountain & Gifts has expanded significantly over the years, offering a delightful array of dishes, including mouthwatering burgers, avocado toast, and incredible breakfast sandwiches. Still, at its core, the ice cream remains a timeless favorite, prepared the old-fashioned way. Kelsey’s personal favorite, the Jalapeño Poppers & Bacon Grilled Cheese, is a hit among patrons, while De Ette’s husband cherishes the classic Vanilla Malt, a sweet memory shared since their first meeting. Beyond the delicious menu, there’s one more thing they have to offer – fudge! It’s a sweet surprise that keeps people coming back for more!

As the business approaches its centennial milestone in 2025, Kelsey and De Ette reflect on the history behind the name “Owl Soda Fountain & Gifts.” Historically, pharmacists were fondly referred to as “wise owls” due to their role as curators of remedies for the sick. Thus, the name represents not only their roots as a soda fountain, but also the wisdom and warmth with which they serve their community. Despite the passing years, the core values of Owl Soda Fountain & Gifts remain unchanged. Kelsey and De Ette cherish their interactions with every patron, taking the time to know each person who walks through their doors.

Step inside, indulge in delightful treats, and become a part of a tradition that has brought joy to generations. Whether you’re a long-time resident or first-time visitor, Kelsey and De Ette extend an invitation to come downtown and rediscover the Owl!

Check out Owl Soda Fountain @ Gifts on social!

Facebook: Owl Soda Fountain & Gifts

Instagram: @owl_sodafountainandgifts


Downtown Discoveries: Watercore


Downtown Discoveries: Turning the Page